Admirável Mundo Novo - Soma

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

Na última aula, foi apresentado o seminário do livro Admirável Mundo Novo. Eu ainda não li o livro, até já tinha em casa, pois comprei ano passado e até agora não consegui ler.

No entanto, uma coisa muito me chamou a atenção: o tal do soma, droga cujas doses regulares transmitiam felicidade. Sempre gostei muito de Strokes, mas não havia percebido a relação entre o soma do livro e a música "Soma".

Segue a o vídeo e a letra para quem se interessar!


The Strokes

Soma is what they would take when
hard times opened their eyes
saw pain in a new way
high stakes for a few names
racing against sunbeams
losing against fig trees
in your eyes
and i am stop and go
in your eyes, see
i am stop and go
in your eyes
let's go
when i saw her for the first time
lips moved as her eyes closed
heard something in his voice
and i'll be there he says
then he walks out
somehow he was trying
too hard to be like them
and i am stop and go
in your eyes
and i am stop
oh, darling, let me go
tried it once and they like it
and tried to hide it
says i've been doing this twenty five years
well i'm not listening no more
and these friends they keep asking for more
oh, yeah
oh, but that's it

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